Old Third Party Funds Projects
1. Macroeconomic implications of the Hartz IV Labor Market Reform
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)
Contact: Christian Merkl
2. Wages, Heterogeneities, and Labor Market Dynamics
Funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (German Research Foundation)
Contact: Christian Merkl and Heiko Stüber
3. The macroeconomic effects of short-time work and fiscal policy – An analysis on the interface between dynamic macro-labor economics and applied econometrics
Funded by the Fritz Thyssen Research Foundation
Contact: Britta Gehrke and Christian Merkl
4. The financial system and macroeconomic shocks: an integrated micro-macro analysis
Funded by the Ludwig-Erhard-Forschungsgesellschaft für Kooperative Wirtschaft (Ludwig-Erhard-Research Institute for Cooperative Economy)
This third party fund project is carried out in cooperation with the Deutsche Bundesbank.
Contact: Swetlana Kreiser and Christian Merkl