Workshop – Labor Market Institutions and the Macroeconomy (June 2011)
Labor Market Institutions and the Macroeconomy
In the following section you can find information about the Workshop Ensuring Economic and Employment Stability (EES) Research Network which took place in Nuremberg on June 17-18th, 2011.
The workshop was jointly organized by the Institute for Employment Research (IAB, Nuremberg), the Institute for World Economy (IfW, Kiel) and the Department of Macroeconomics of the Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nuremberg.
Source: IAB
The topics of the Workshop were oriented towards the micro- and macroeconomic research at the interface of labor economics and macroeconomics.
In particular, the following topics were discussed:
1. The effects of labor market institutions on wages and labor market dynamics
2. Experiences from the “Great Recession” and its influence on the design of labor market institutions
3. Differences in labor market dynamics between Europe and the US
A complete program overview can be found here.
Among others, Laurence Ball (Johns Hopkins University), Susanto Basu (Boston College), Giuseppe Bertola (Università di Torino), Steven Davis (University of Chicago) and the Nobel Prize winner of 2010, Dale Mortensen (Northwestern University) were involved.
A complete list of participants can be found here.