Chair of Macroeconomics

Welcome to the Chair of Macroeconomics

Es gibt viele gute Gründe den Bachelor Wirtschaftswissenschaften (insbesondere mit Schwerpunkt Volkswirtschaftslehre) an der FAU in Nürnberg zu studieren. Hier finden Sie einige davon.

July 8th, 2024

FAU/IAB Seminar: “Macroeconomics and Labor Markets”

The next seminar will be held on Tuesday, July 16th, from 12 pm (noon) to 1:30 pm (German time). 

Nicolas Syrichas (FU Berlin) will talk about “Understanding Spatial House Price Dynamics in a Housing Boom” (joint work with Leo Kaas and Georgi Kocharkov).

The seminar will take place in-person at the IAB in room E10.

Online participation via Skype-Business will be possible.

If you are a researcher and you are interested in joining the talks, please send an e‐mail to

(Old and outdated communications and announcements can be found here)